Jhs 142 Stranahan Jhs - Brooklyn, New York - Middle School

Jhs 142 Stranahan Jhs

Grades Taught/District Info
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
222 252 474
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 2 0.42
Asian - Pacific Islander 24 5.06
Black 165 34.81
Hispanic 258 54.43
White 25 5.27
Student by Grade Count
Jhs 142 Stranahan Jhs Reviews

From: Jorge A Ramirez Ph.D. | submitted: Feb 15, 2014
I WENT TO JHS 142 FROM 1970-1974, still remember many of the teachers. God bless them all.

From: Elina Cruz | submitted: May 19, 2011
I must say I went to 142 1996-1998 and they were the best yrs of my life!!!!

From: Michael Martin | submitted: Nov 03, 2007
I went to 142 back in the 80's and have to say it was some of the best years of my life. Our dean was Mr Manfredie- the greatest.

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